
2015-06-12-10.05Pam Gautreaux

Pam Gautreaux has been with Dr. Roy for 12 years. She began as Dr. Roy’s chair-side assistant and has added many skills to our practice. She has learned the business aspects of the practice, before making her way to office manager.

CrystalCrystal Ulloa

Crystal Ulloa has been with Dr. Roy since 2010.  She has been in the dental field for 20 years.  She is Dr. Roy’s chair-side assistant and functions as the Professional Relations Coordinator.  She is married and has 3 children.

2015-06-12-10.09Haylee Morse

Haylee St. Amant is our newest team member.  She is Dr. Roy’s main chair-side assistant.  Haylee has a great personality that brings joy to our practice.  She is a recent graduate of Delta College.

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